This video demonstrates the Grendel 2TAC 2-track analog controller with the Grendel RA-99 Grenadier analog synthesizer. The Grendel 2TAC has two tracks of CV-Gate output (1v/oct). For synchronization, it has an internal tempo generator, analog pulse-per-step Clock In/Out, and Reset pulse In/Out. This video tutorial shows some of its pattern editing features, time stretching, creating pattern chains, altering the tuning, mashing several patterns together simultaneously, and generating random patterns. We will be offering a limited issue of the 2TAC as pictured in the video with black aluminum case, walnut sides, and red or yellow LEDs. For visual reference, this version comes with the key commands printed as a graphic on the underside of the case.
Category Archives: 2TAC
Grendel 2TAC analog sequencer with RA-99 Grenadier
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Posted in 2TAC, Demo video, Grenadier, Grendel