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This video walks through getting started with the Grendel DC-2e Drone Commander 2, beginning with using the Main Module by itself (0:30). Next, see how to control it from a MIDI keyboard, using the Expander module and a MIDI-CV converter (3:40).
A self-patch that gives additional filter modulation is demonstrated (5:35). After that, one of the MIDI-CV converter’s auxiliary CV outputs is patched in to control DC-2e’s LFO rate with the MIDI mod wheel (7:00).
The next section demonstrates VCF 1’s self-oscillation (8:35), including how to cancel the filter’s self-oscillation so only the dry tone of the VCOs is heard (9:50). Then, VCF 1 is set up as a third oscillator, creating a constant-pitched drone note to accompany melody played on the VCOs (10:50).
Last, some examples of pitch modulation using the MOD knob are shown (11:40), leading to full-on crazy town.